REPULSis one of the most popular io shooting games. You can drive mechs, use grappling hooks and drive vehicles. Collaborate with your friends to capture the flag or manage the map. Repuls is basically and with steroids.
To move around, use WASD and the SPACEBAR to Jump.
Use your mouse to look around and FIRE your weapon using the Left Mouse Buttons. If they are getting too close, you can press [Q ] and BASH your enemies with a powerful Malee Strike.
To switch between your Primary Weapons and Secondary Weapons, press [1] and then press [2] to activate your Equipment. By default, frag grenades
When using Rifles, don’t forget to use the Right Mouse Button to AIM
Your weapons will remain accurate in repulse regardless of how fast you move. You must sprint, strafe, and bunny hop your path to victory.
High tech gadgets:
Every weapon on the battlefield serves a purpose. You will die if you use the wrong weapon for the wrong situation.
Many players also die when they run low on ammunition in gunfights. If you are running out of ammo, switch to your secondary weapon by pressing [2 ].
Although smaller weapons are less powerful, they can be switched to quickly and save lives in an emergency.
Remember that you can also hit your enemy with your weapon if they get too close. Press [Q ].
You can use your equipment by pressing [2 ]. There are many types of equipment, from explosives such as frag grenades, to tools like portable jump pads.
Different maps might have different interoperable objects, such as portals and explosive objects or gravitational lifts. These objects can be used to turn the tide in a fight by knowing where they are and how you can make use of them.
To win in REPULS, you will need more than a great aim. You must pay attention to your opponent’s weapons and positions in every battle. A smart player can outsmart a dumb player with rocket launchers with a pistol.
Knowing the map can make the difference between a skilled warrior or a novice. If you use them in the right places on the map, some weapons can be dominant. Although the shotgun may seem ineffective from far, it is able to outpower sniper rifles within narrow corridors. The map also contains powerups and weapons. You can turn the tide of battle by knowing where they are.